Ouvrages de référence
Cette liste d’ouvrages concerne l’histoire des juifs dans l’Égypte islamisée. Elle exclut les publications faites en Égypte et celle de notre association, ainsi que les ouvrages dans des langues autres que le français ou l’anglais.
Nos éditions NAHAR MISRAÏM (le bulletin et les livres publiés) se trouvent dans la rubrique PUBLICATIONS.

The Dispertion of Egypian Jewry
Joel Beinin
University of California Press, Berkeley. Los Angeles. London. 1988.

The Jews of the Middle East, 1860-1972
Hayyim J. Cohen
John Wiley and Sons, New-York. Toronto. Israël University Press, Jerusalem 1973.

Poverty and Charity in the Jewish Community of Medieval Egypt
Mark R. Cohen
Princetown University Press, 2005

Jewish Self-Government in Medieval Egypt :
The Origins of the Office of Head of the Jews : 1065-1126
Mark R. Cohen
Princetown University Press, 1980.

A Mediterranean Society : The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza,
Vol. I : Economic Foundations. 1967
Vol. II : The Community. 1969
Vol. III : The Family. 1981
Vol. IV : Daily Life. 1983
Vol. V : The Individual. 1988
Vol. VI : Cumulative Indices. 1994
Shelomo Dov Goiten
University of California Press.

The Karaite Jews of Egypt 1882-1986
Mourad -El-Kodsi
Imprimé aux Etats Unis par LC 2006940446, 2006. 1ère édition : 1987

The Jews in Modern Egypt, 1914-1952
Gudrun Krämer
University of Washington Press. Seattle, 1989

Middle Eastern Themes
Jacob Landau
Frank Cass, London 1973

Jews in the Nineteen-Century Egypt.
Jacob Landau
New-York University Press.1969

Communism and Nationalism in the Middle East.
Walter Z. Laqueur
Rouledge and Kegan Paul, London 1956

The Jews of Egypt 1920-1970, In the Midst of Zionism, Antisemitism, and the Middle East Conflict.
Michael M. Laskier
New-York University Press.1991 & 1993

Jewish Community in the Muslim Countries of the Middle East
Siegfried Landshut
HyperionPress, Westport, Connecticut. 1950

Jews in Egypt and in Palestine Under the Fatimid Caliphs
Jacob Mann
Oxford University Press, 2 Vol. 1922. Reprint 1969

Les Juifs en Égypte
Yahudiya Masriya, (Bat Ye’or)
Edition de l’Avenir. Genève 1973

l’Egypte et ses juifs, le temps révolu.
Maurice Mizrahi
Edition de l »Avenir. Genève 1977

Jews and Muslims.
Aron Rodrigue
University of Washington Press. 2003

Jews in Egypt : Communists and citizens
Irmgrd Schrand
ULIT Verlag, Munster 2004

The Jews of Egypt, A Mediterranean Society in Modern Times
Shimon Shamir.
Westview Press, Boulder and London, 1987

The Jews of Arab Lands
Norman A. Stillman.
The Jewish Publication of America, Philadelphia 5739-1979

The Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times
Norman A. Stillman.
The Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia 5764-2004